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Abandoned Metis home on Lafleche property, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Andrew's Store, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1940.jpg
Barn on Caron's Farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Bob Lafleche hauling hay in horse-drawn hayrack in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Buildings at Ronnander's Mink Farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1940.jpg
Captain Goodridge, early Charleswood resident.jpg
Caron House after being renovated, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1982.jpg
Caron House, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Caron's first house and farm buildings, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba-2.jpg
Caron's first house and farm buildings, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Charles Caron's second home, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Charleswood Boys' and Girls' Fair, 1917.jpg
Charleswood Residents Tom George Chapman, George Parkin, G.E. Chapman, 1980.jpg
Charleswood School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Charleswood School, Manitoba, 1930.jpg
Charleswood United Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Charleswood United Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Chester Store, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Child sitting in automobile with two men standing beside it, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1934.jpg
Children in horse-drawn wagon on their way to Sunday School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1943.jpg
Children in horse-drawn wagon surrounded by water on way to Sunday School, 1943.jpg
Church in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Collecting snow for water, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Cutting ice on the Assiniboine River, Headingley, Manitoba-1.jpg
Cutting ice on the Assiniboine River, Headingley, Manitoba-2.jpg
Dedication of Caron House in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, by Marshall Caron, 1982.jpg
Edith and Tom Brown with their daughters.jpg
Emma and Clair Caron in swing at Caron home in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Headingley, Manitoba, 1983.jpg
Exterior view of Phoenix School, Headingley, Manitoba, 1920.jpg
Exterior view of St. Charles Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of the Chapman Home, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of the Chester house in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of the home of Captain Goodridge, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of the home of Lillian James, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1913.jpg
Exterior view of the home of Mr. Hall, Lot Nr1, Headingley, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of the home of Walter Coy, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Exterior view of the La Fleche home, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba-1.jpg
Exterior view of the La Fleche home, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba-2.jpg
Exterior view of the Phoenix School, Headingley, Manitoba, 1910.jpg
Father Martiel Caron and Ernie Vialoux, Charleswood residents.jpg
Ferry crossing the Assiniboine River.jpg
First Council of Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1912.jpg
First house built by Charles and Georges Caron, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
First Roman Catholic Church at St. Charles, Manitoba, 1884.jpg
Former Charleswood School Teacher, Miss Cameron and Pupils.jpg
Frank Binnie standing beside Laing Brothers Feed Ltd truck at Van Roon poultry farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1935.jpg
Fraser boys with automobile.jpg
George Caron's daughters (Marie Louise, Marie Ange, Claire and Emma) on porch of Caron home, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
George Caron's gravestone at St. Charles Cemetery, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
George Caron, early Charleswood resident, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Gladys Bunn and Lillian James.jpg
Group of bicycle riders at Hall's Farm, the Hermitage, Lot Nr1, Headingley, Manitoba.jpg
Hauling water by truck, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Headingley School, Headingley, Manitoba.jpg
High School Graduates at Charleswood School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1939-1.jpg
High School Graduates at Charleswood School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1939-2.jpg
Image of three people raking hay onto a wagon pulled by horses.jpg
Interior view of a Metis House.jpg
Interior view of Loudon School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Interior view of St. Charles Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Interior view of the first Chapman School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Kelly's General Store, with streetcar in front, 1909-1.jpg
Kelly's General Store, with streetcar in front, 1909-2.jpg
Kelly's Store, Charleswood, Winnipeg, MB, 1909.jpg
Lich Gate, St. Mary's Anglican Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Lillian James and Gladys Bunn, early residents of Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1979.jpg
List of Electors, Kolisnik to Madge, 1941.jpg
List of Electors, Larder to Loudon, 1956.jpg
List of Electors, Larson to Mair, 1943.JPG
List of Electors, Title page, 1941.jpg
List of Electors, Title page, 1943.JPG
List of Electors, Title page, 1956.jpg
Louden School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Man standing beside Ford automobile, 1939.jpg
Man standing in front of St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Man standing on road with chickens at Van Roon poultry farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Mink cages at the Ronnander's Mink Farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1940.jpg
Mr. and Mrs. Branconnier, early Charleswood residents, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Mr. Seavers as a boy, 1924.jpg
Mrs. Branconnier, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Mrs. Goodridge, wife of Captain Goodridge, early residents of Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Official opening of the addition to the Chapman School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
People near Morrisette Park sign, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Percy James with horses driving Jersey cows on the James' Farm in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Princeton Boulevard looking north, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1916.jpg
Roblin Boulevard showing street car track, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1916.jpg
Second Chapman School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Second St. Charles Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Sign in front of the Caron House and Park in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
St. Charles Church and Convent, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, c. 1905-1928.jpg
St. Charles Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1983.jpg
St. Charles Convent, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
St. Charles Ferry, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1929.jpg
St. Charles Ferry, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1938.jpg
St. Charles Rectory (Nuns Residence), Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
St. Charles School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, MB.jpg
St. Mary's Anglican Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba-2.jpg
St. Mary's Anglican Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba-3.jpg
St. Mary's Anglican Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Streetcar Tracks on Roblin Boulevard, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Teacher with the class of 1909 standing in front of St. Charles School, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Third St. Charles Church, Charleswood, Winnipeg, MB.jpg
Threshing at Fraser Farm.jpg
Transporting hay on Caron Farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Two girls feeding chickens at Van Roon poultry farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1943.jpg
Two men and an automobile with chickens in the foreground at the Van Roon chicken farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1941.jpg
Two people with a tractor cutting wood.jpg
United Church Choir inside the church in Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1940.jpg
Van Roon's home, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Verna Van Roon, a Charleswood resident, as a girl, 1924.jpg
Village Grocery, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Walter Chapman, Pioneer of Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Winnipeg Transit Bus in front of bus shelter, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba.jpg
Woman feeding chickens on Van Roon chicken farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1938.jpg
Woman on steps of house at Van Roon poultry farm, Charleswood, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1935.jpg
World War Service Monument in Charleswood.jpg