Charleswood Historical Society:Structure of this wiki

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This wiki contains images and pages that are grouped in Collections. Collections form a hierarchy, so that anything that is e.g. in the "Churches/Religious" collection is also in the "Buildings" collection.

Useful Pages

Find all of the Special Pages at Special:SpecialPages

Upload files with Special:Upload

Find all pages at Special:AllPages

Create a wiki account at Special:CreateAccount

Find a list of all uploaded files at Special:ListFiles

Assigning a page to a collection

Option 1:

  • enter the page name in the spot below and assign any relevant categories:

Option 2:

  1. go to the page
  2. click the edit link
  3. click the "insert" dropdown
  4. click "Template"
  5. start typing "CollectedIn" and choose that option
  6. type the collection you want to assign the page to
  7. click "insert"
  8. add additional collections the same way
  9. save

Option 3:

  • edit the page
  • add {{CollectedIn}}
  • save the page
  • click "edit with form" and use the dropdown to pick the collection

Adding a new collection

  1. Make a collection page by entering the name of the collection here:
    • assign the new collection to a parent collection if applicable using the form:

  1. add the collection to the template hierarchy by editing Template:CollectedIn
  2. Re-create the table to update the hierarchy:
    1. in template, click the "Recreate data" tab
    2. uncheck the "Recreate data into a replacement table, keeping the old one for querying"
    3. click OK
    4. wait 1 minute for process to complete (you can click on "View replacement table" link to check progress

Some queries will not show a collection unless it has at least one item in it.

Adding an image

I wonder if there is a way to automatically add the template...

  1. Upload the image
  2. Add Template:Image description to annotate the image: add {{Image description}} to the description field
  3. Save
  4. "Edit with form" to annotate the image and add it to relevant collections

Remaining tasks

  • Images currently lists one line per collection, can I make it so all the collections list on one line.
  • update Form:Image_description so there is more space to check collectedIns
  • Businesses lists the smile wrong

  • fix problem with St. Mary's Anglican Church and presumably other pages with apostrophes in hierarchies, need to escape those or find other solution. Using SMW instead of Cargo might be an option. Turning these into non-hierarchies and solving that elsewhere might be an option.
    • Yaron replied that this is a parsing bug on Jun 7, hopefully that means he will fix
  • check a replacetext for all "todo"s left anywhere

  • check if I can add the hierarchy definition to a template instead of editing it in the Template:CollectedIn - that would also allow turning new things into redlinks to start the new collection that way.
  • should the search automatically include the CHS namespace? Most users shouldn't actually see it, so likely not. But it should search the file namespace and now does.
    • we might want to take the project namespace back out of that, since kiosk visitors should not by default see that content.
  • make a way to find all images that are not annotated with description template